Friday, April 17, 2009

Made it to Boston

Okay, so we made it to's about 11p.m....we left after work and thankfully John drove because I went to bed last night...actually this morning at 1 am and woke up at 4:30 am.  By the last of it trying to get everthing organized and packed, we had tuned into the Bickersons...that's what stress and no sleep will do.

We're here at Matthew's and and are trying to figure out tomorrow's game plan....sleep in...grab breakfast...pick up my sister at the airport at noon and her entourage...go chill somewhere and walk around a bit in Boston and then find a place to have lunch and then tomorrow night we fly out.   Matt's girlfriend Libby is going to drive us to the airport so that we  don't have to haul our suitcases on the subway.   I don't actually feel like we're really's really kind of get on a plane and then 6 hours later you are across the ocean.  I suppose I'll believe it when we are en route, but at this point I'm really too tired to think so I'm signing off for now...not sue when the next post will be, but stay tuned...and wish us luck...


1 comment:

  1. Melinda and Family,

    This is a wonderful read. Glad you are having such a great time. Where are these pictures you mention?? See you when you return - if you return...

    Dave Johnson
